Heart Dump: Gratitude
Hey friends, it's me.
It's truly been a while since I've written a blog post or email sharing my personal life and all that jazz, but there's something happening that I feel implored to share with you.
There's so much happening in the world, every corner of social media, sickness, death, and watching this crazy virus tear apart families, friendships, and fellowships just makes my heart hurt. I remain hopeful for brighter days. I'm even more intentional about being grateful each day that I'm alive to see my prayers be answered.
I'll never forget the day I was told I probably wouldn't bear a child. I'll never forget the grief and emptiness I felt. When Solange dropped "Cranes", I felt like she was singing to my life at that time. I literally enrolled back into college to finish my degree because I felt like I had to complete something to make that pain go away. A year later, I had an unforgettable dream that led to the beginning of ElonWick Candle Co.
After starting my company, I kept saying, "This is something my children can say their mother built!". I had no child, but I kept saying this and pouring candles and winging my business. I worked during the day, poured candles at night. Then one day I felt odd and the next week I learned I was pregnant with the real boss.
Scared & went through a few levels of hell, but still grateful.
Before the pandemic began, I remember thanking God & asking to enlarge my territory and to help me be a better steward of this company He had me start. Well, I had no idea that people would learn of ElonWick Candle Co. a few months later while working from home. Things got pretty chaotic as we surived yet another summer, yet there was this sense of peace I couldn't put my finger on. It didn't dawn on me until sometime around Christmas that 2020 was truly a glimpse of what happened if I just asked, worked, and kept a grateful heart through the entire process.
All of the chaos was preparing me for the ongoing enlargement of my terriory. GRATEFUL!
Fast forward to 2021, I've had great experiences, and then of course there are some low ones. I've gained cool opportunities and ended business relationships that aren't aligned with mine at ElonWick Candle Co. From having Laundry Day featured in The Home Depot's Black History Month Box to getting a few features in shopping blog articles to scrambling to find supplies because of shortages due to COVID-19. Chile, I'm just grateful to even find the oils I use for Southern Holiday in stock (y'all really love that one, huh?)
Even now as I pack orders for USPS tomorrow, I'm grateful for these late nights where I can open my heart a little more and prepare for what's next. God is so good. My heart is happy and thankful. I hope my words inspire you to find gratitude in every moment. Life is so precious, y'all.
Love you always!